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12 | N. El Baraka: Atomistique et liaison chimique: Cours et exemples d'illustrations (Publisher : Eliva Press (April 18, 2023) ; ISBN-10 : 9994981528. ISBN-13 : 978-9994981526 |
13 | Hasna Ait Bouzid, Laila Bijla, Mohamed Ibourki, Samira Oubannin, Sara Elgadi, Jamal Koubachi, El Hassan Sakar & Said Gharby. Ziziphus lotus (L.) Lam. almonds nutritional potential: Evidence from proximate composition, mineral, antioxidant activity, and lipid profiling reveals a great potential for valorization. Biomass Conv. Bioref. (2023). |
14 | El Hassan Sakar, Ahmed Zeroual, Ayoub Kasrati, Said Gharby, "Combined Effects of Domestication and Extraction Technique on Essential Oil Yield, Chemical Profiling, and Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.)", Journal of Food Biochemistry, vol. 2023, Article ID 6308773, 13 pages, 2023. |
15 | Hamdouch A., Anejjar A., Bijla L., Gharby S., Asdadi A., Chebli B., Salghi R., Idrissi Hassani L.M. (2023) Corrosion inhibition of carbon steel by Vitex agnus castus leaves essential oils from the oasis of Tata, Mor. J.Chem., 14(1), 105-118. Doi: SM/morjchem-v11i1.37301 |
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19 | Zakaria Ghouli, On the Performance of a Flow Energy Harvester Using Time Delay, Soft Computing and Optimization, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 404 (2023), (Springer Nature Singapore) |
20 | H. ROCHDI, "Information technologies for the development of architectural heritage: The Case of Ksar Aït Ben Haddou (Morocco)". 2023. Ouvrage collectif : TERRITOIRE, DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET INNOVATION RESPONSABLE : Entre ambitions et déploiement "praticable". ISBN : 978-2-14-031880-1, Edition l'Hrmattan (pp. 19-37) |
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22 | G. CHIHAB, "Quels rôles des institutions de la finance islamique pour la réduction de la pauvreté et l’amélioration du niveau de vie ?". 2023. Revue Internationale de Management, d’Entrepreneuriat & de Communication (RIMEC), numéro 4/2023. |
23 | K. BENAMARA, "The benefits and costs of the CSR strategy of tourism development companies, between economic viability and social utility. case of the development and promotion company of the Taghazout Resort". Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research (2023), vol. 6, n° 1, pp. 34-52 |
24 | K. BENAMARA, "Enjeux et perspectives de la démarche RSE pour les Tour-opérateurs : le cas du Village de Vacances Robinson Club, station balnéaire d’Agadir". La Revue Internationale de management, d’entrepreneuriat & de communication (RIMEC), numéro 4/2023. |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License |
26 | K. BENAMARA, Territoire, développement durable et innovation responsable : Entre ambitions et déploiement "praticable", dirigé par Khalid Benamara & Philippe Bachimon. Collection : Histoire et perspectives méditerranéennes. ISBN : 978-2-14-031880-1, Edition l'Hrmattan (268 p). 2023 |
27 | K. BENAMARA, "Information technologies for the development of architectural heritage: The Case of Ksar Aït Ben Haddou (Morocco)". 2023. Ouvrage collectif : TERRITOIRE, DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET INNOVATION RESPONSABLE : Entre ambitions et déploiement "praticable". ISBN : 978-2-14-031880-1, Edition l'Hrmattan (pp. 19-37) |
28 | K. BENAMARA, "Gouvernance territoriale et régulation de la filière de l’huile d’argan au Maroc : quelles articulations ?". 2023. Ouvrage collectif : TERRITOIRE, DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET INNOVATION RESPONSABLE : Entre ambitions et déploiement "praticable". ISBN : 978-2-14-031880-1, Edition l'Hrmattan (pp. 39-82) |
29 | K. BENAMARA, "La gouvernance : tenter de synthétiser une définition". 2023. Ouvrage collectif : TERRITOIRE, DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET INNOVATION RESPONSABLE : Entre ambitions et déploiement "praticable". ISBN : 978-2-14-031880-1, Edition l'Hrmattan (pp. 113-126) |
30 | K. BENAMARA, "Effets perçus de l’intégration relationnelle inter-organisationnelle sur la performance des chaînes logistiques d’exportation : cas des CLE de primeurs de la région de Souss-Massa, Maroc". 2023. Ouvrage collectif : TERRITOIRE, DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET INNOVATION RESPONSABLE : Entre ambitions et déploiement "praticable". ISBN : 978-2-14-031880-1, Edition l'Hrmattan (pp. 181-208) |
31 | K. BENAMARA, "Quel rôle du gouvernorat dans la valorisation des produits de terroir ? Cas de la province de Taroudannt, région de Souss-Massa, Maroc". 2023. Ouvrage collectif : TERRITOIRE, DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE ET INNOVATION RESPONSABLE : Entre ambitions et déploiement "praticable". ISBN : 978-2-14-031880-1, Edition l'Hrmattan (pp. 209-238) |
32 | Mohammed Abdessadek, Mourad Kharbach, Hayat Ben-Saghroune, Belkassem El Amraoui and Youssef Khabbal. Validation steps and parameters of bioanalytical methods using in clinical studies: a narrative review. 2023. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science. |
33 | El harkaoui S, Gharby S, Kartah B, El Monfalouti H, Emam El-sayed M, Abdin M, Abdelbaset Salama M, Charrouf Z, Matthäus B. Lipid profile, volatile compounds and oxidative stability during storage of Moroccan Opuntia ficus-indica seed oil. 2023. Grasas Aceites, e486. |
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35 | El Hassan Sakar and Gharby, S. (2022). Olive Oil: Extraction Technology, Chemical Composition, and Enrichment Using Natural Additives. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.102701 |
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37 | Fadoua Bennouna , Moulay Sadiki ,Soumya Elabed , Saad Ibnsouda Koraichi ,and Mohammed Lachkar (2022): The Effect of Different Vegetable Oils on Cedar Wood Surface Energy: Theoretical and Experimental Fungal Adhesion. Hindawi International Journal of Biomaterials Volume 2022, Article ID 9923079, 8 pages |
38 | S Sara Bouhazma a,d , Smaiel Herradi a , Imane Adouar a , Moulay Sadiki b , Soumya Elabed c , Saad Ibnsouda Koraichi c , Brahim El Bali a , Mohammed Lachka (2022): new composition silver doped-bioglass: Synthesis, in vitro bioactivity and antibacterial study and comparison with the binary SiO2-CaO and ternary SiO2-CaO-P2O5 systems . Materials Today: Proceedings journal homepage: |
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42 | Sbihi K, Aziz F and El Baraka N. 2022. National Renewable Energy Labaratory. El-Sheekh M and Abomohra A (eds). Handbook of Algal Biofuels, Aspect of Cultivation, Conversion and Bioreinery. Elsevier, Chapter 27, 599-613. |
43 | Ebrahem A. Algehyne, Abderrahim Wakif, Ghulam Rasool, Anwar Saeed &Zakaria Ghouli, Significance of Darcy-Forchheimer and Lorentz forces on radiative aluminawater nanofluid flows over a slippery curved geometry under multiple convective constraints: a renovated Buongiorno’s model with validated thermophysical correlations, Waves in Random and Complex Media (2022). (Taylor and Francis) |
44 | Zakaria Ghouliand Grzegorz Litak,Effect of high-frequency excitation on a bistable energy harvesting system, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies (2022). Accepted (Springer) |
45 | Youssef Lahlou, Belkassem El Amraoui, Majida El-Wahidi, Toufiq Bamhaoud. Chemical composition, antioxidants and antimicrobial activities of moroccan species of Psidium guajava extracts. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig 2022; 73(1) : 65-77. |
46 | M. Addich , N. El Baraka1, A. Laknifli , K. Abbiche, N. Saffaj, K. Sbihi, A. Ait Taleb, A. El Hammadi.2022. Optimization of elaboration conditions of ceramic membranes from animal bone through Design of Experiment (DoE) approach. J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 13 (2),151-161 p. |
47 | Sbihi K, Aziz F and El Baraka N. 2022. Chapter 27- National Renewable Energy Laboratory, (NREL). In: El-Sheekh M and Abomohra A, editors. Handbook of Algal Biofuels, Aspects of Cultivation, Conversion, and Biorefinery. Elsevier, 599-613 p. |
48 | Tallou A, Aziz K, El Achaby M, Sbihi K and Aziz F. 2022. Chapter 26- BIQ (Bio Intelligent Quotient) house as an Algae-based green building. In: El-Sheekh M and Abomohra A, editors. Handbook of Algal Biofuels, Aspects of Cultivation, Conversion, and Biorefinery. Elsevier, 587-598 p. |
49 | Aziz F, Tallou A, Sbihi K, Aziz K and Hichami N. 2022. Chapter 28- Aquatic Species Program (ASP) In: El-Sheekh M and Abomohra A, editors. Handbook of Algal Biofuels, Aspects of Cultivation, Conversion, and Biorefinery. Elsevier, 615-634 p . |
50 | Laila Bijla, Mohamed Ibourki, Hasna Ait Bouzid, El Hassan Sakar, Rabha Aissa, Abdellatif Laknifli, Said Gharby .2022. Proximate Composition, Antioxidant Activity, Mineral and Lipid Profiling of Spent Coffee Grounds Collected in Morocco Reveal a Great Potential of Valorization. Waste and Biomass Valorization. |
51 | Laila Bijla, RabhaAissa, Abdellatif Laknifli, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, Hicham Harhar, SaidGharby .2022.Spent coffee grounds: A sustainable approach toward novel perspectives of valorization. Foodbiochemistry Journal. |
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53 | Hamdouch A., Gharby S., Asdadi A.,Ait Bouzid H., Achemchem F.,Chebli B.,IdrissiHassani L A. 2022. Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of Brocchia Cinerea from South-East of Morocco. Arabian Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 8 (1), p. 1-20. doi: |
54 | Gharby S and Charrouf Z (2022) Argan Oil: Chemical Composition, Extraction Process, and Quality Control. Front. Nutr. 8:804587. doi: 10.3389/fnut.2021.804587 |
55 | Fadda, A.; Sanna, D.; Sakar, E.H.; Gharby, S.; Mulas, M.; Medda, S.; Yesilcubuk, N.S.; Karaca, A.C.; Gozukirmizi, C.K.; Lucarini, M.; Lombardi-Boccia, G.; Diaconeasa, Z.; Durazzo, A. 2022.Innovative and Sustainable Technologies to Enhance the Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oils. Sustainability 2022, 14, 849. |
56 | Ibourki, M., Ait Bouzid, H., Bijla, L.,Sakar EH.,Asdadi A., Laknifli A.,El Hammadi A. andGharby S. 2022. Mineral Profiling of Twenty Wild and Cultivated Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Growing in Morocco. Biological Trace ElementResearch (2022). |
57 | Laila Bijla, RabhaAissa , Hasna Ait Bouzid, El Hassan Sakar, Mohamed Ibourki , Abdellatif Laknifli and SaidGharby. 2022. Spent coffee ground oil as a potential alternative for vegetable oil production: Evidence from oil content, lipid profiling and physicochemical characterization. BiointerfaceResearch in Applied Chemistry. Volume 12, Issue 5 , 2022, |
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61 | Rochdi Kaddar, Chayma Tarik, Maryam Atmani, Ikrame Enakhil, Nada Fakhri, Mohamed Khalis, Abdellah Lotfy and Nadia El Kadmiri. Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on Moroccan patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.Bulletin of the National Research Centre (2022) 46:142 |
62 | Abdellatif BAALI , Hakima AMOR, Raja ZAKARIA, Noureddine EL KHOUDRI, Nadia FATHI, Nadia EL KADMIRI (2022).Assessment of the quality of life of a group of subjects aged 65 and over (morocco).anthropological researches and studies. |
63 | Scaramuzzi A. , Avella I. , Lansari A., Bouazza A. & Martínez-Freiría F. (2022). New high-elevation records of Malpolon monspessulanus and Hemorrhois hippocrepis from the High Atlas Mountains (Morocco). Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española, in press. |
64 | Mourad Addich, Noureddine El Baraka, AbdellatifLaknifli, Nabil Saffaj, AbdelilahFatni and Abdellatif El Hammadi , New low-cost tubular ceramic microfiltration membrane based on natural sand for tangential urban wastewater treatment, 3rd International Scientific Day of Taroudannt , May 14 th,2022Polydisciplinary Faculty of Taroudant / Taroudannt, Morocco |
65 | M. Addich, N. El Baraka, A. Laknifli, K. Abbiche, N. Saffaj, R. Mamouni,A. Ait Taleb, A. El Hammadi ; Optimization of elaboration conditions of ceramic membranes from animal bone through Design of Experiment (DoE) approach, J. Mater. Environ. Sci., 2022, Volume 13, Issue xx, Page xxxx-xxxx |
66 | El Hassan Sakar and Said Gharby.2022. Olive Oil: Extraction Technology, Chemical Composition, and Enrichment Using Natural Additives. IntechOpen. 978-1-80355-442-6. |
67 | N Atayb, H. ., Ibrahim, M. A., AbouElfetouh, A. ., Rahamtalla Khedir Genawi, K. ., Shawgi Jaweesh, R. ., S Dabbous, F. ., Ouanes, Z. ., El Kadmiri, N., Amrani, I. ., Ben Fredj, M. ., M. Mehanna, M. ., Abujilban, S. ., Emahbes, T. ., Bechir Ahmat, A. ., M. Elhassan, M. ., & K Al-Delaimy, W. . (2022). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice of Middle East and North African Populations toward COVID -19. (IJRE) International Journal of Research and Ethics (ISSN 2665-7481), 5(2). |
68 | Z. Abedallah, A. Said, A. Nawfel, et N. Nasser, 2022, Monitoring of Solenoid Parameters Based on the Neural Networks and Optical Fiber Squeezer for Smart Control of Solenoid Response , in Advanced Intelligent Systems for Sustainable Development (AI2SD’2020), vol. 1418 |
69 | Oubannin S., Bijla L., Attifi H., Hajir J., Ait Abed N., Gharby S. Etude comparative de la stabilité oxydative de l’huile d’argane (arganiaspinosa) et l’huile de nigelle (nigella sativa l.). Sixième Congrès International sur l’Arganier, 10-13 Mai (2022) AGADIR. |
70 | Atifi H., Jadouali S. M., Mamouni R., Gharby S., Elghailassi K., Bouzoubaa Z., Laknifli A. phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of argane oil: characterization and classification of PGI Moroccan argane oils. Sixième Congrès International sur l’Arganier, 10-13 Mai (2022) AGADIR. |
71 | Ait Bouzid H., El Houzali K., Bijla L., Ibourki M., Koubachi J., Laknifli A., Gharby S. Valeur nutritionnelle d'un produit alimentaire local marocain à base d'huile d'argane (amlou). Sixième Congrès International sur l’Arganier, 10-13 Mai (2022) AGADIR. |
72 | Bijla L., El Ayoubi A., Ait Bouzid H., Aissa R., Laknifli A., Gharby S. Raffinage physique de l’huile d’argane issue des noix régurgitées par les chèvres : avantages et inconvénients. Sixième Congrès International sur l’Arganier, 10-13 Mai (2022) AGADIR. |
73 | Harhar H., El Idrissi Y., El Moudden H., Gharby S.,Tabyaoui M.Does UV-light influence the tocopherol content of argan (argania spinosa (l.) skeels ) and olive (olea europaea l. ) oil? Sixième Congrès International sur l’Arganier, 10-13 Mai (2022) AGADIR. |
74 | El Harkaoui S., Aissa R., Bousaid Z., Bijla L., Matthaus B., Gharby S. Chemical composition and kinetic parameter determination of unrefined and refined argan oil under the rancimat test condition. Sixième Congrès International sur l’Arganier, 10-13 Mai (2022) AGADIR. |
75 | Ibourki M., El Haidag F., Bijla L., Ait Bouzid H., Sakar H., El Hammadi A., Gharby S. Contribution à la valorisation de l’huile d’argane : enrichissement de l’huile d’argane par des extraits de safran pur (crocus sativus l.).Sixième Congrès International sur l’Arganier, 10-13 Mai (2022) AGADIR. |
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78 | G. CHIHAB, "Les instruments de la politique sociale dans un contexte islamique: Entre la réduction de la pauvreté et l’amélioration du bien-être humain". 2022. International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM), 2(4), 765–778. |
79 | K. BENAMARA, "La Conduite Du Changement Et Le Pouvoir Agentiel De L’entrepreneur Quelles Articulations Des Enjeux Économiques, Sociaux Et Environnementaux ?". La Revue Internationale de management, d’entrepreneuriat & de communication (RIMEC), numéro 8/2022 |
80 | Saad Bakrim, Nasreddine El Omari, Naoufal El Hachlafi, Youssef Bakri, Learn-Han Lee, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, "Dietary Phenolic Compounds as Anticancer Natural Drugs: Recent Update on Molecular Mechanisms and Clinical Trials", 2022 |
81 | Sabira Sultana, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, Maksim Rebezov, Mohammad Ali Shariati, Abdelaali Balahbib, Aya Khouchlaa, Ouadie Mohamed El Yaagoubi, Adnan Khaliq, Nasreddine El Omari, Saad Bakrim, Gokhan Zengin, Muhammad Akram, Mars Khayrullin, Irina Bogonosova, Shafi Mahmud, Jesus Simal-Gandara, "Impacts of nutritive and bioactive compounds on cancer development and therapy", 2022 |
82 | Naoual El Menyiy, Aicha El Allam, Sara Aboulaghras, Imane Jaouadi, Saad Bakrim, Nasreddine El Omari, Mohammad Ali Shariati, Alevtin Miftakhutdinov, Polrat Wilairatana, Mohammad S. Mubarak, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, "Inflammatory auto-immune diseases of the intestine and their management by natural bioactive compounds", 2022 |
83 | Khalid El Bairi,Nadia El Kadmiri &Maryam Fourtassi, "Exploring scientific misconduct in Morocco based on an analysis of plagiarism perception in a cohort of 1,220 researchers and students", 2022 |
84 | Nada Fakhri, Mohamed Amine Chad, Mohamed Lahkim, Abdellah Houari, Hind Dehbi, Ahmed Belmouden, Nadia El Kadmiri, "Risk factors for breast cancer in women: an update review", 2022 |
85 | Ali El Aimani, Abdellah Houari, Salah-Eddine Laasli, Rachid Mentag, Driss Iraqi, Ghizlane Diria, Slimane Khayi, Rachid Lahlali, Abdelfattah A. Dababat & Fouad Mokrini, "Antagonistic potential of Moroccan entomopathogenic nematodes against root-knot nematodes, Meloidogyne javanica on tomato under greenhouse conditions", 2022 |
86 | Saïd Gharby, Samira Oubannin, Hasna Ait Bouzid, Laila Bijla, Mohamed Ibourki, Jamila Gagour, Jamal Koubachi, El Hassan Sakar, Khalid Majourhat, Learn-Han Lee, Hicham Harhar, Abdelhakim Bouyahya, "An Overview on the Use of Extracts from Medicinaland Aromatic Plants to Improve Nutritional Value and Oxidative Stability of Vegetable Oils", 2022 |
87 | Nouhaila Zouine, Safae Er Raouan, Elhassan Elharchli, Naima El Ghachtouli, Soumya El Abed, Moulay Sadiki, Saad Ibn Souda Koraichi, "Theoretical and experimental investigations of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa adhesion on 3D printed resin", 2022 |
88 | ME. Belghiti, F. Benhiba, N. Benzbiria, Chin-Hung Lai d, S. Echihi, M. Salah, A. Zeroual, Y. Karzazi, A. Tounsi, K. Abbiche, S. Belaaouad, H. Elalaoui-Elabdallaoui, Y. Naimi, "Performance of triazole derivatives as potential corrosion in-hibitors for mild steel in a strong phosphoric acid medium: Combining experimental and computational (DFT, MDs & QSAR) approaches", 2022 |
89 | Mohamed Ibourki, Hasna Ait Bouzid, Laila Bijla, Rabha Aissa, El Hassan Sakar, Tarik Ainane, Said Gharby and Abdellatif El Hammadi, "Physical fruit traits, proximate composition, fatty acid and elemental profiling of almond [Prunus dulcis Mill. DA Webb] kernels from ten genotypes grown in southern Morocco. OCL - Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids". 2022. |
90 | Jamila Gagour, Samira Oubannin, Hasna Ait Bouzid, Laila Bijla, Hamza El Moudden, El Hassan Sakar, Jamal Koubachi, Abdellatif Laknifli and Said Gharby, "Physicochemical characterization, kinetic parameters, shelf life and its prediction models ofvirgin olive oil from two cultivars (“Arbequina” and “Moroccan Picholine”) grown in Morocco", 2022 |
91 | Jamila Gagour, Moussa Nid Ahmed, Hasna Ait Bouzid, Samira Oubannin, Laila Bijla, Mohamed Ibourki, Ahmed Hajib, Jamal Koubachi, Hicham Harhar, Saïd Gharby, "Proximate Composition, Physicochemical, and Lipids Profiling and Elemental Profiling of Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) and Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Grown in Morocco", 2022 |
92 | Hasna Ait Bouzid, El Hassan Sakar, Laila Bijla, Mohamed Ibourki, Ahmed Zeroual, Jamila Gagour, Jamal Koubachi, Khalid Majourhat, and Saïd Gharby, "Physical Fruit Traits, ProximateComposition,AntioxidantActivity, and Profiling of FattyAcids and Minerals of Wild Jujube (Ziziphus lotus L. (Desf.))Fruits from Eleven Moroccan Origins", 2022 |
93 | Yassine Ez-zaouy, Lhoussaine Bouchaou, Aicha Saad, Mohammed Hssaisoune, Youssef Brouziyne, Driss Dhiba, Abdelghani Chehbouni, "Morocco's coastal aquifers: Recent observations, evolution and perspectives towards sustainability", 2022 |
94 | Mohammed Abdessadek, Hayat Ben-Saghroune, Omar Boubker, Imane Iken, Houssni Abid, Belkassem El Amraoui, Youssef Khabbal, "Dataset to explore factors affecting COVID-19 vaccination intention. Evidence from Morocco", 2022 |
95 | Mourad Addich, Noureddine El Baraka, Nabil Saffaj, Abdellatif Laknifli, Abdelaali Karim, Karim Sbihi, Abdellatif El Hammadi, "Elaboration of innovative ceramic microfiltration membrane from natural Moroccan sand for wastewater treatment", 2022 |
96 | Mohamed Ibourki, Said Gharby, El Hassan Sakar, Ouarda El Hani, Khalid Digua, Aziz Amine, Moussa Nid Ahmed, Zoubida Charrouf, Dominique Guillaume, Abdelatif El Hammadi, "Elemental Profiling and Geographical Differentiation of Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Using Inductively Coupled Plasma-Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Chemical Data Collections." 2022 |
97 | Laila Bijla, Rabha Aissa, Hasna Ait Bouzid, El Hassan Sakar, Mohamed Ibourki, Abdellatif Laknifli, Said Gharby, "Spent Coffee Ground Oil as a Potential Alternative for Vegetable Oil Production: Evidence from Oil Content, Lipid Profiling, and Physicochemical Characterization", 2022 |
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99 | Nadia El Kadmiri. Advances in Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer: A Focus on Non-invasive Biomarkers. Current Drug Targets, 2021, 22, 1-11 |
100 | Fatima Boubrik , Ahmed Belmouden , Nadia El Kadmiri . Potential Non-invasive Biomarkers of Helicobacter pylori-Associated Gastric Cancer. J Gastrointest Cancer. 2021 Nov 12. doi: 10.1007/s12029-021-00734-7. |
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102 | Balahbib, A., El Omari, N., Hachlafi, N. E., Lakhdar, F., El Menyiy, N., Salhi, N., Mrabti, H. N., Bakrim, S., Zengin, G., & Bouyahya, A. (2021). Health beneficial and pharmacological properties of p-cymene. Food and chemical toxicology: an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, 153, 112259. |
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104 | El Hachlafi, Naoufal, Fatima Lakhdar, Aya Khouchlaa, Saad Bakrim, Nasreddine El Omari, Abdelaali Balahbib, Mohammad A. Shariati, Gokhan Zengin, Kawtar Fikri-Benbrahim, Giustino Orlando, Claudio Ferrante, Luigi Meninghi, and Abdelhakim Bouyahya. (2021). "Health Benefits and Pharmacological Properties of Hinokitiol" Processes 9, no. 9: 1680. |
105 | Ali El Aimani, F. Mokrini, A. Houari, Salah-Eddine Laasli, M. Sbaghi, R. Mentag, D. Iraqi, S. Udupa, A. Dababat, R. Lahlali (2021): Potential of indigenous entomopathogenic nematodes for controlling tomato leaf miner, Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) under laboratory and field conditions in Morocco. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, Volume 116, December 2021, 101710 |
106 | Mohamed Ibourki , Fadma Azouguigh, Si Mohamed Jadouali, El Hassan Sakar ,Laila Bijla , Khalid Majourhat, Said Gharby , and Abdelatif Laknifli (2021): Physical Fruit Traits, Nutritional Composition, and Seed Oil Fatty Acids Profiling in the Main Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Varieties Grown in Morocco.Hindawi Journal |
107 | Elkouk, A., El Morjani, Z.E.A., Pokhrel, Y., Chehbouni, A., Sifeddine, A., Thober, S.,Bouchaou, L. Multi-model ensemble projections of soil moisture drought over North Africa and the Sahel region under 1.5, 2, and 3 °C global warming. Climatic Change 167, 52 (2021) |
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109 | Asouam, S., Faik, F., El Morjani, Z.E.A., Abioui, M., 2021. The geological and hydrogeological characteristics of Tamelast landfill site in Agadir, Morocco. E3S Web of Conferences 234: 00085. |
110 | François-Xavier Fauvelle, Caroline Robion-Brunner, Jean-Marc Fabre, Sandrine Baron, Romain Mensan, et Mustapha Souhassou (2021). Recherches archéologiques sur les mines et la métallurgie de l’argent à Imiter (Maroc). Journal of African archaeology, Frankfurt a. Main: Africa-Magna-Verl, 2021, pp.90-113. DOI : ⟨10.1163/21915784-20210002⟩. ⟨hal-03176019 |
111 | Saadia Asouam, Farid Faik and Zine El Abidine El Morjani. Analysis of Leachate and Water Resource Quality Surrounding Municipal Solid Waste Landfill of Tamellast (Agadir, Morocco). E3S Web Conf., 240 (2021) 02006. DOI: |
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116 | M.Ait Baih, N. Saffaj*, A. Bakka, R. Mamouni, N. El baraka, Clay Ceramic Support Membrane Optimization Using Factorial Design Approach; J. Applied Membrane Science & Technology, Vol. 25, No. 2, December 2021, 1–15 |
117 | Mohamed Ait Baih, Nour Elyakin El Qacemi, Hamid Zidouh, Abdelhamid Bakka, Noureddine El Baraka Rachid Mamouni, Nabil Saffaj; Elaboration of TiO2 Ultrafiltration Membrane Deposited on Moroccan Sahara Clay, E3S Web of Conferences 229, 01033 (2021) |
118 | Abdallah Imjjada, Khalid Abbiche, Moulay Driss Mellaoui, Aaziz Jmiai, Noureddine El Baraka, Abdelaziz Ait Taleb, Illyass Bazzi, Souad El Issami, Mustapha Hilali, Ridha Ben Saidd, Majdi Hochlaf; Corrosion inhibition of mild steel by aminobenzoic acid isomers in hydrochloric acid solution: Efficiency and adsorption mechanisms, Applied Surface Science 151780 (2021) |
119 | Abdelilah Fatni, Abdellatif El Hammadi, Rachid Bouaddi, Abdelaziz Ait Taleb, Noureddine El Baraka, Abdellatif Laknifli ;Experimental design applied to improve the efficiency and the performance of the reverse osmosis process ;Desalination and Water Treatment,236 (2021) 45–54 |
120 | S. Amrane, A. Zahidi, M. Abouricha, N. Azami, N. Nasser, et M. Errai,Machine Learning for Monitoring of the Solenoid Valves Coil Resistance Based on Optical Fiber Squeezer », J. Eur. SystèmesAutom., vol. 54, no 5, p. 763‑767, oct. 2021, |
121 | A. Zahidi, S. Amrane, N. Azami, et N. Nasser, 2021, Monitoring of solenoid parameters based on neural networks and optical fiber squeezer for solenoid valves diagnosis, Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng. IJECE, vol. 11, no 2, p. 1697 |
122 | Z. Ghouli and M. Belhaq,Energy Harvesting in a in a delay-induced parametric van der Pol–Duffing oscillator, The European Physical Journal Special Topics (2021). (Springer) |
123 | M. Errai, S. Amrane and C.-T. Liang, “Low-Temperature Electrical Transport In 70Ge: Ga Sample In Magnetic Fields”, Int. J. Tech. Phys. Probl. Eng (IJTPE), Issue 49, Volume 13, Number 4, Pages 170-178, December 2021 |
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125 | BoukyoudZaineb, Ibourki Mohamed; GharbySaid;Sakar El Hassanb;Bijla Laila;Atifi Hajar ; Matthäus Bertrand;Laknifli Abdelatif;Charrouf Zoubida. ‘Can the Water Quality Influence the Chemical Composition, Sensory Properties, and Oxidative Stability of Traditionally Extracted Argan Oil?’ Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 383-399, 2021. DOI: 10.3233/MNM-210005 |
126 | Mohamed Ibourki, FadmaAzouguigh, Si Mohamed Jadouali, El Hassan Sakar, Laila Bijla, Khalid Majourhat, SaidGharby, Abdelatif Laknifli.2021. Physical Fruit Traits, Nutritional Composition, and Seed Oil Fatty Acids Profiling in the Main Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Varieties Grown in Morocco", Journal of Food Quality, vol. 2021, Article ID 5138043, 12 pages, 2021. |
127 | Mohamed Ibourki, SaidGharby,Dominique Guillaume, El Hassan Sakar, Abdellatif Laknifli, Abdellatif El Hammadi, and Zoubida Charrouf. 2021. Profiling of Mineral Elements and Heavy Metals in Argan Leaves and Fruit By-products using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry and Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Chemical Data Collections. (xx), 100772. |
128 | Zeroual, Ahmed ; Sakar, El Hassan;Ibourki, Mohamed; Bijla, Laila ; Ainane, Ayoub; Mahjoubi, Fatima1 ; Chaouch, Mahdi; Gharby, Said ; Chaqroune, Abdellah; Ainane, Tarik. 2021. Phytochemical screening and mineral profiling of wild and cultivated rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis l.) from taounate region (northern morocco). Pharmacology.vol.2, 576-582. |
129 | Bijla, Laila; Ait Bouzid, Hasna; Ibourki, Mohamed; Ainane, Ayoub; Aissa, Rabha; Laknifli, Abdellatif ; Ainane, Tarik ; GharbySaid. 2021. Antioxidant activity, chemical composition and morphological properties of green and roasted coffee beans as affected by the microwave roasting method. Pharmacology. vol.2,546-555. |
130 | Nounah I., GharbyS., Hajib A., Harhar H., Matthäus B., and Charrouf Z. 2021. Effect of seeds roasting time on physicochemical properties, oxidative stability and antioxidant activity of cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica L.) seed oil. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 00:e15747 |
131 | Gharby S., Hajib A., Ibourki M., Sakar E. H., Nounah I., ELMoudden H., Elibrahimi M., and Harhar H. 2021. Induced changes in olive oil subjected to various chemical refining steps: A comparative study of quality indices, fatty acids, bioactive minor components, and oxidation stability kinetic parameters. Chemical Data Collections. (33), 100702. |
132 | Sakar E. H., El Yamani M., Boussakouran A., Ainane A., Ainane T., Gharby S., and Rharrabti Y.2021. Variability of oil content and its physicochemical traits from the main almond [Prunus dulcis Mill. DA Webb] cultivars grown under contrasting environments in north-eastern Morocco. Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology. (32), 101952 |
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134 | Gharby S., Guillaume D., Nounah I., Harhar H., Hajib A., Matthäus B., Charrouf Z., 2021. Shelf life of Moroccan prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) and argan (Argania spinosa) oils: a comparative study. Journal GrasasAceites 72 (1), e397. |
135 | Hajib A., Nounah I., Harhar H., Gharby S., Kartah B., Matthäus B., Bougrin K. and Charrouf Z. 2021. Oil content, Lipid profile and oxidative stability of Moroccan pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) seed oil. OCL - Oilseeds and fats, Crops and Lipids, 28, 5. |
136 | Ahmed El Akkaoui, Jamal Koubachi, GéraldGuillaumet, Saïd El KazzouliSynthesis and Functionalization of Imidazo[1,2-b]Pyridazine by Means of Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions. ChemistrySelect 2021, 6, 8985 –9011. |
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Mustapha Boukrimand Jilali
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Hiba Asri,
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Anas Kabbori,
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Khaoula AIT RAI,
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of Multidisciplinary and Current Research ISSN: 2321-3124, Accepted 10 Sept 2021, Available online 13 Sept 2021,
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142 | H. Mouadi, D. Karim, Characterization of prime and maximal ideals of product rings by F – lim. KyungpookMathematical Journal,61(4)(2021), p.823-830 |
143 | El Houcine El Bouchibti, Abdeslam El Bakkali “On automatic surjectivity of some point spectrum preserving additive maps “Italian journal of pure and applied mathematics – N. 45–2021 (72–79) |
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145 | Hassan Bousnguar, Lotfi Najdi, Amal Battou. Forecasting approaches in a higher education setting. Education and Information Technologies (Springer 2021). |
146 | OumaimaEzzeroual, Nadia El Kadmiri (2021). Microalgae for future biodiesel production:Algaculture, Environnement impact. Maghr. J. Pure &Appl. Sci., 7 N° 1 (2021) 8- 14. |
147 | Farah LAZAAR . Nadia EL KADMIRI .Migration and borders in the Covid -19 pandemic phase. AL TURATH Journal. volume 11, issue 01 (march 2021). |
148 | Mohamed Ameskour, Abderrahim Anbi, Nadia El Kadmiri. From the sociology of organizations to the sociology of associations: Epistemological contribution to the theoretical construction. Journal of human resources development for studies and research Deutschland Berlin. V12. Avril .2021. |
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150 | SAMIRA EL MAJNAOUI, NADIA EL KADMIRI. Pharmaceutical benefits of red seaweed (Rhodophyta): A narrative review. EWASH & TI Journal, 2021 Volume 5 Issue 3, Page 678-687 |
151 | Oumaima Ezzeroual, Nadia El Kadmiri. Microalgae for future biodiesel production: Algaculture, Environnement impact.Maghrebian Journal of Pure and Applied Science. 7 N° 1 (2021) 8- 14 |
152 | .ابراهيم اهريش، أ.عبد الرحيم عنبي، أ.نادية القدميري ، الأدوار التكاملية بين الأسرة والمدرسة في تنشئة الطفل القروي منطقة (لخصاص نموذجا).مجلة العلوم الاجتماعية – المركز الديمقراطي العربي ألمانيا- برلين، العدد ،20سبتمبر2021 ص 101-110 |
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154 | Elkouk, A., El Morjani, Z.E.A., A. Chehbouni, A. Sifeddine, and L. Bouchaou (2021). Projections of soil moisture drought extremes across Morocco’s Southern catchments under anthropogenic global warming. Frontiers in sciences and Technology International Journal. Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology. |
155 | Asouam, S., Arabi, M., Faik, F., El Morjani, Z. E. A., Abioui, M., Diaz, L. F., Kostyuchenko, Y. (2021). Physicochemical Characterization of the Leachate of the Tamelast Landfill Site, Grand Agadir (Morocco). Ecological Engineering & Environmental Technology, 22(5), 65-72. |
156 | Ibtissam CHARIF, Fouad LOTFI, Ahmed CHIRMATA (2021). Optimization of the management of household and similar waste collection: Case of the city of Taroudant (Morocco). Journal of analytical sciences and applied biotechnology. An International Open Access, Peer Reviewed Research Journal ,ISSN: 2665-8488 2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2 Pages: 89-96 ,DOI: 10.48402/IMIST.PRSM/jasab-v3i1.28257 |
157 | Ait-Jeddi, T., Hssaisoune, M., Saad, A., El Morjani, Z.E.A, Maaziz, M., Beraaouz, M. & Bouchaou, L. (2021). Water resources status to global changes in the Taznakht plain, Draa basin, Morocco. Frontiers in Science and Engineering, Volume 11, Number 2. |
158 | Mostafa Abouricha,Anas El Kasmi,Said Amrane,Abdelkader Boulezhar,Ali Nassiri,2021, Study of Stress and Thermo-Optic in Photonic Crystal Fiber Laser with Two End Pump Scheme,European Journal of Molecular &Clinical Medicine, Vol. 7, No. 3,pp. 2976-2981 |
159 | Zakaria Ghouli, Electricalenergyharvestingfrom a nonlinearoscillatorusing a delayedpiezoelectric circuit, Revue de l’entrepreneuriat et de l’innovation, vol. 3, no 11, (2021). |
160 | Hasna Ait bouzid, Hanane Ghoumghar, Laila Bijla, Mohamed Ibourki, El Hassan Sakar, Jamal Koubachi,Abdellatif Laknifli and SaidGharby. A comparative pomological investigation of two almond [Prunus dulcis (Mill.) DA Webb] genotypes (bitter and sweet) harvested from Southern Morocco. Journal OF Analytical Sciences and Applied Biotechnology. ISSN: 2665-8488 2021, Vol. 3, Issue 2 Pages: 84-88. DOI: 10.48402/IMIST.PRSM/jasab-v3i1.28254 |
161 | A. Ainane, F. Mohamed abdoul-latif, J. Mohamed, Z. Shybat, A. El Yaacoubi1, S. Gharby,S.Cherroud, T.Ainane. 2021. Chemical composition, insecticidal and antimicrobial activity of essential oil of rose geranium (Pelargonium graveolens L.): agricultural application in vitro on Medicago sativa L.Agricultural Mechanization in Asi,01 (51), 877-886. |
162 | Si Mohamed Jadouali, Hajar Atifi, Rachid Mamouni, Khalid Majourhat, Zakia Bouzoubaa, Said Gharby. 2021. Composition of Saffron By-products (Crocus sativus) in Relation to Utilization as Animal Feed. Agricultural Science Digest. DOI: 10.18805/ag.D-360 |
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